We’ve all know by now that stress is just a part of life. As true as this may be, not all stress is created equal. Slamming on your breaks when a child suddenly runs out into the street is one kind of stress, which is healthy and helpful; having heart palpitations from a never-ending to-do list is another kind of stress entirely. Many people may be unaware that there are different kinds, but experts have categorized stress into three types: acute, episodic acute, and chronic. And if you’re feeling stressed, it can be helpful to know which type you’re dealing with. A close call on the road, or having to speak in front of a large crowd are the kinds of situations that might trigger acute stress. The symptoms are physical, emotional, and/or behavioral, but are typically short-lived. Episodic acute stress occurs when someone gets frequent bouts of acute stress. People with this kind of stress will oftentimes take on more responsibilities and projects than they can handle. They may seem like they’re constantly in a rush, always running late, and are disorganized. People with episodic acute stress can also be hostile towards others and have strained relationships.
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